Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Teddy Bear Trail Mix Favor Station

Last summer, when my best friend was getting married, we went to several bridal shows.  One of the new...hip ways to do favors for showers or weddings was to create a candy or cookie bar.  Party-goers would receive a bag or carton to fill at the bar with whatever they wished...personalizing it for their own taste.  I used this at her bridal shower.

However, when it came time to do her baby shower, I wanted to do a similar type of favor.  PERSONALLY, I think this type of favor is much easier on the host.  I didn't have to fill little bags, or cut anything.

I wanted to create a bar, though, that went along with her shower theme.  Her sister and I decided a teddy bear shower would be neat and easy (as we both were big collectors of Boyd's bears and such).  Therefore, when I came across this pin...I liked it "bear"-y much! :)

The idea and instructions can be found at: http://www.christyrobbins.blogspot.com/2012/03/tea-party-teddy-bear-trail-mix-favor.html

At first, I was going to use another pin Idea I had seen at: http://pinterest.com/pin/186547609535333379/
And cut and sew out teddy bears with pockets at their head to be used and filled with.  However, I just couldn't find the time.  So, I ended up going to Walmart and purchasing some clear treat bags like the ones here: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=11061413&findingMethod=rr

I bought large shipping labels to make stickers for the favors.  Using MS Publisher and the Avery code on the label package, I designed some labels with a picture of a teddy bear and a cute poem regarding the baby.  I stuck those on the bag, placed the metal tie under one of the corners of the sticker for easy access for the guest.

My final trail mix bar looked like this:

As you can see, I had a few more treats then the other site.  Here was what I came up with:
Teddy Bear Trail Mix: Bear Poop=Raisinettes; Bear Stuffing=Popcorn; Bear Noses=Strawberry Whoppers; Bear Eyes=Whoppers; Bear Snacks=Gummy Bears; Bear Crackers=Teddy Grahams; Bear Body Parts=Twigs (pretzels), Berries (dried fruit), Peanuts; Bear Kisses=Hershey kisses

It was a huge hit!

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