Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tank Top Season

First, I want to make it obvious that I do NOT believe I have arms that should be shown in tank tops.  My "second bye-bye" has grown by leaps and bounds as I've aged.  (Second Bye-Bye=the name for the flab on my upper arms.  Named thus because when I wave bye-bye with my hands, my "second bye-bye" waves bye bye towards the floor).  That being said, I also can't stand having a farmer's tan in the summer time.  So when I saw this pin, I felt inspired.

Pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/186547609534812495/

Finding an old T-shirt was NOT a problem.  My husband has oodles...and many he does NOT even wear.  But when I mentioned my desire to try out this pin...you would have thought each and every t-shirt was a long lost friend that I just could NOT butcher up or touch in any way.  

Unfortunately, while he was at work, I found a victim in the back of his closet.  

SUGGESTION:  In the instructions, it shows cutting 2 strips from the base of the original T-shirt.  Unfortunately, I did NOT read the instructions thoroughly enough!  And I thought, "Surely they don't want me to use the sewn hem from the original as a tie!  It won't match the other tie." So I cut a 3rd strip from the base of the original T-shirt.  You do NOT need to do this.  If you read the instructions it explains that you discard the original hem and use just the 1 strip you cut as the ties.  

Also, I sewed a new hem at the base of the shirt...just because I'm OCD like that. 

Here's my results:
I'm happy with it. :)  

Last suggestion:  I would wear a tank under these shirts as having to cut off the sleeves can result in large arms holes. 

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